Our Team

Maggie and Danny Kovalski (Owners)

Maggie was an occasional drop-in student at Melt while visiting her family in her hometown since relocating to the Philadelphia area over 15 years ago. But with her Mom practicing at Melt regularly combined with her visits, she knew what a special place it was. With access to dozens of hot studios in the Philadelphia region, she often tried to find a home studio but never with success. Nowhere lived up to the Melt experience.

So when the original owner of Melt was relocating to the West Coast and Maggie was seeking a career change that afforded her the flexibility to spend more time with her young family, she and her husband Danny jumped at the opportunity. Together, they took over ownership of Melt in November of 2018.

Both Maggie and Danny are certified Hot Pilates teachers and fitness enthusiasts. Maggie runs the show and loves being able to bounce business ideas off Danny when the kids go to bed. By day, Danny is a mortgage lender. Together, they are raising 5 children: Kit, Piper, Jules, Remy and Mac. Their sixth baby, Melt, is their passion project and affords them the opportunity to see through a dream of owning a business that improves the lives of so many in the community where they were born and raised.

  • Amanda Bartleson (HP, OHY and Vinyasa)

    Amanda entered the world of yoga in an effort to become more active and engaged in her day-to-day life, but soon discovered a real connection between herself and the Melt Hot Yoga studio. It was there that she found not only a place of physical exercise, but a social environment of comfort and spirituality. Over the next few months she noticed the definite impact yoga had on her life and body, how it seemed to calm her thoughts, and how fulfilling it was to be part of a community.

    It was these aspects of yoga that lead her to become a registered teacher by receiving her first RYT-200 accreditation under Molly Cornell in 2016, which focused on Original Hot Yoga. Amanda received her second RYT-200 accreditation through the Twin Cities Yoga Collective in 2019, which focused on Vinyasa. Also in 2019 Amanda became a certified Hot Pilates Instructor under Gabriella Walters.

    She hopes to use this wonderful teaching opportunity to become the same inspiration for others that the Melt studio was for her upon her first visit.

  • Amanda Mullery (Vinyasa)

    Amanda has been a student at Melt for over 10 years and started teaching here in September, 2020. I am 200 RYT certified, as well as a Reiki 2 practitioner.

    Practicing yoga changed her life, both physically and mentally. It made her an all around better, healthier person. She began teaching yoga to try and give back what she has received through her practice…while bringing some fun into the room.

  • Haley Gayoski (HP)

  • Jenera Quinones (HP)

    I found Melt while I was on the lookout for a new workout routine. After years of heavy lifting I needed to switch it up. I took my first hot Pilates class in 2019 and fell in love! By the end of 2021 I was leading the hot room.

    I’m a 4th grade science teacher by day and Pilates teacher by night. So much of my life has been filled with motivating others and encouraging them to meet their goals whether it’s in a hundred degree hot room, field hockey field, basketball court, or classroom full of students.

    I enjoy being the person to push people to do just a little more and watch them excel in their fitness journey and other endeavors. Being able to lead others in an activity that not only helps them physically but mentally is something I am extremely grateful for and find very rewarding.

  • Jenn Cicierski (OHY)

    Jenn has been a teacher at Melt for ten years. Her Original Hot Yoga class is intense, yet calming. Focus is on breath, foundation and alignment, with the intention of achieving an equal balance of all three while allowing the body to express itself naturally. Her aim is to coach you along the way, supporting your limitations, while encouraging you to reach for unrecognized possibilities.

  • Jill Price (Vinyasa)

  • Kathy Berry (OHY)

    Yoga has been a large part of my life for over 23 years. My practice has helped me to stay flexible and strong and has taught me acceptance both on and off the mat. Yoga encourages me to be present in every moment.

    I completed my first RYT200 for Bikram Yoga under Molly Cornell at Melt Hot Yoga. Also RYT200 for vinyasa yoga under Molly Cornell. In 2017 I was certified in Yoga12StepRecovery at Omega Institute under founder and director Nikki Myers. In 2018 I was certified in Yin Yoga at Boundless Yoga under Chris Loebsack and Tracey Gross

    I will always be a student and continue to learn thru various workshops… most recently Casa Om with the amazing Hargobind and Siri Om

    My classes are suitable for all ages, body types and levels of ability. You will stretch and strengthen every muscle. Ligament, tendon and joint to promote the development of a strong,lean and more balanced body.

  • Katie McLaughlin (Operations Manager)

    My melt journey began in 2016 after I was involved in a horrific accident. My physical therapist suggested that I find my way to Melt Hot Yoga in addition to the 4 times a weekly PT I was receiving. I can’t lie, as a life-llong runner- I was so resistant - my response was something like this, “ I’m a runner, I’m not a yogi- nor do I want to be.”

    I had zero understanding of what a yoga practice was or how it would change both my physical & mental state. For me - Melt was & continues to be a place of “Healing” For those of you who don’t know, Maggie is my daughter & I would be remiss if I did not mention that with every sacred savasana, I am overwhelmed with gratitude knowing that I not only get to be part of this community but that I also get to experience it with my daughter.

  • Kristina DeMarco (HP)

  • Lori Dexter (OHY)

  • Michael Ley (Vinyasa)

    Michael Ley was encouraged to start practicing yoga by his mom. After a few years he decided to give it a try. Yoga just felt right. A once a week practice soon increased. As the physical practice developed, he slowly observed a growth in his mind and heart. Wanting to learn more, he took part in the Twin Cities Yoga Collective teacher training. It was as advertised, a life changing experience. Michael has been practicing yoga for over a decade and guiding classes since 2014. Michael values educating himself and is blessed to have completed several continuing education yoga and meditation trainings with Bryan Kest the founder of Power Yoga and Meditation in Santa Monica. He has also completed trainings with Troy Hadeed and Travis Eliot. Michael has finished a 40 hour Hatha training focusing on Hatha flow, gentle, beginner, yin and restorative yoga with MyLindaMorales at the Yoga University of Florida, Altamonte Springs. He also attended a power yoga immersion at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health Stockbridge Massachusetts.

    Yoga has improved all physical aspects of Michael’s life such as tone, balance, stamina, suppleness and cardio vascular stimulation. More importantly however, yoga and meditation has taught Michael to become aware by quieting down, slowing down and listening to his inner guidance.

    Michael believes a yoga class is a personal exploration and the safest place in the world to practice your uniqueness by tuning into what you are feeling. The class sequences are approachable and at the same time, challenging. The largest challenge in class might be developing qualities such as listening, gentleness and compassion so you can understand when to back off. His classes are for all because the goal is allowing the student to be comfortable with and accepting of “where they are at”.

  • Michelle Smith (OHY)

    Michelle found yoga over 10 years ago as a way to help manage work-related anxiety. After falling in love with the practice, Michelle decided she wanted to teach yoga and began teaching OHY at Melt in 2013. In addition to teaching yoga, Michelle manages an outpatient cancer patient lodging facility at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville. Michelle also works remotely as a Mind Body Therapist for Walter Reed in Bathesda, MD.

  • Omar Wijahat (Hot Power Sculpt)

    Omar has always enjoyed an active lifestyle and grew up competing in a variety of sports with a passion for football all the way up into the college level. Initially, he began yoga from a recommendation from a friend to help increase flexibility. However, he quickly discovered the physical and mental benefits of hot yoga were endless. Additionally, he was also captivated to the sense of community and positivity that Melt Hot Yoga offered to him and others. Omar is excited to inspire and motivate others in his fun class! Omar received his Power Sculpt certification from Power Life Yoga in Kansas City!

  • Paige Tedik (HP)

    My name is Paige, I have been teaching hot Pilates at Melt hot yoga since December of 2021. I love teaching at Melt because each person comes into my class with a strong energy which creates a very empowering environment to thrive in!

    I have been instructing and coaching fitness classes since 2014! I am a licensed and certified athletic trainer practicing at Geisinger Orthopedics while co-owning my own gym, Diamond City Power Fitness located in Kingston. I also coach for Electric Surge Field Hockey Club in my spare time. There is nothing I won't do for a sausage egg and cheese breakfast sandwich and coffee.

  • Pam Gurtis (HP)

  • Ramah Hackett (Hot Yoga Sculpt and Vinyasa)

    Ramah became a certified yoga teacher because she wanted to share the mental, physical and spiritual balance it provided for her with those seeking that same thing. Her classes encourage you to tap into your own power to create a feeling and a life you truly desire. While challenging and always sweaty, you will leave feeling invigorated, revitalized and grounded. Her vinyasa yoga training includes 200 hour LiveLoveTeach and Baron Baptiste certification while Yoga Sculpt training includes certification at Tadasana in Park City Utah. She counts practicing and teaching at Melt as one of her greatest blessings.

  • Rachel Buckman (HP, Hot Yoga Sculpt and Vinyasa)